Document Owner: Kevin Yim

Last Updated: 6/19/24

1. Overview


This document outlines the system architecture for Graphling, according to PRD (Product Requirement Document) , a platform designed to enhance Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) training and strategy development through deterministic modeling and advanced visualization techniques.


This document covers the architecture design, major components, data flow, and integration points within the Graphling system.

2. Architecture Diagram

graph TD
  A[Users] --> B["Front-End (React)"]
  B --> C["API Gateway (AWS API Gateway)"]
  C --> D["Back-End (Django)"]
  D --> E["Database (PostgreSQL)"]
  D --> F["Data Storage (AWS S3)"]
  D --> G["Visualization Tools (Three.js, D3.js, Zdog)"]
  D --> H["User Authentication (Auth0)"]

sequence flow between

sequence flow between

3. Major Components

  1. Front-End (Client Side)
  2. Back-End (Server Side)
  3. Database
  4. Data Storage and Management
  5. Authentication and Authorization
  6. Visualization Tools
  7. API Gateway