Inspired by The product index , Here are the list of questions we would like to answer in order to solve the problem at hand.

1. Exactly what problem will this solve? [Value proposition]

2. Who do we solve that problem for? [Target market]

3. How big is the opportunity? [Market size]

<aside> ❗ /r/bjj is top 1% subreddit in size of Reddit communities with 804k users.



The number of BJJ practitioners globally is estimated to be around 6 million. This figure is supported by multiple sources, including the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) and various community discussions[1][2]. This estimate aligns with other sources that suggest the number of practitioners ranges from approximately 3 million to 6 million[4][7].


The number of BJJ gyms worldwide can be estimated by looking at specific regions and extrapolating. In the United States alone, there are over 10,000 BJJ gyms[2]. Given that the U.S. is one of the largest markets for BJJ but not the only one, a reasonable global estimate would be around 20,000 to 30,000 BJJ gyms. This estimate considers the popularity of BJJ in countries like Brazil, Japan, and various European nations, as well as its growing presence in regions like the Middle East and Asia.


The number of BJJ competitors can be inferred from the number of registered athletes and the frequency of competitions. The IBJJF, which is one of the largest organizations for BJJ competitions, has thousands of registered competitors. For instance, there are 8,783 registered black belts with the IBJJF, and many more competitors at lower belt levels[2]. Considering the competitive nature of BJJ and the numerous local, national, and international tournaments held annually, it is reasonable to estimate that there are tens of thousands of active competitors worldwide. With the rise of Craig Jones International that has recently sparked a movement of raising the prize money to 1 million, we are expected to see the growth in budget involved in promotions, competitions, as well as overall wages.



[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

4. How will we measure success? [Metrics]